Quick Reaction: Arenado Traded To The Cardinals
(David Zalubowski, The Associated Press) via the Denver Post
WOOOO BABY! Nolan ‘the automatic gold glove 3rd baseman’ Arenado was just traded to the St. Louis Cardinals!
The Rockies got screwed. I mean why would you do that? This man is like Brooks Robinson, the human vacuum cleaner, nothing goes past him. I can go on and on about him all day, but the highlights speak for themselves.
While the Rockies got some of the Cardinals top prospects in the trade, they still got the short end of the stick in my opinion. It’s tough to know if these kids will be bonafide stars and produce like Nolan Arenado does. Over the years judging talent has become much harder due to the advanced analytics and numbers now available rather than a simple eye test.
Just look at this throw:
My elbow hurts just thinking about it.
Arenado is one of those players who’s going to hit 30 to 40 home runs a year and knock in about 105 runs a year. He’s done so reliably for the last seven years and got paid well for it.
It boggles my mind to see the Rockies trade their star player to a team in the same conference. He got shipped out of the NL West to be in the NL Central. They’re going to be facing off against each other and Nolan will tee off the pitchers like its backyard baseball. Dinger after dinger.
I also find it ironic that somehow the Rockies sent around 50 million to the Cardinals ‘to help with the contract’. Talk about adding insult to injury.
This is a horrendous trade, but it’s not as bad as when the Red Sox sent Babe Ruth to the Yankees for cash because the Red Sox owner needed to finance his play. I’m serious, this actually happened and as a result that led to the curse of the Bambino that lasted for 90 some years.
Just to top it off, the MLB player union just rejected a proposal that would give them a 154 game season. The unions are fighting with each other, where is Jimmy Hoffa when you need him?